Players need not be confused by the special dicecalled for in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. By using theassortment of 4-, 6-, 8-, 12- and 20-sided dice, a widerange of random possibilities can be easily handled.For a linear curve (equal probability of anynumber), simply roll the appropriate die for 1-4, 1-6, 1 -8, 1-10 , or 1-12. If some progression is called for,determine and use the appropriate die (for instance, 2-7 would call for a 6-sided die with a one spot addition).For extensions of the base numbers, roll a second diewith the appropriately numbered die. For example: togenerate 1-20, roll the 20-sided die and 6-sided die,and if the 6-sided die comes up 1-3 , the number shownon the 20-sider is 1-10 (1-0), and if the 6-sider comes up4-6, add 10 to the 20-sided die and its numbers become11-20 (1-0). This application is used with the 12-sideddie to get 1-24. If 1-30 or 1-36 are desired, read the 6-sider with the 20- or 12-sided die, with 1 -2 equalling noaddition, 3-4 adding 10, and 5-6 adding 20. Thisprinciple can be used to generate many other linearcurves.For bell curves (increasing probability of numbersin the center, decreasing at both ends), just roll thesame die two or more times, roll several of the sametype of dice, or even roll two or more different dice.
The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave: Index of Posts
An index of posts describing the Forgotten Smugglers' Cave, an adventure for Holmes Basic characters levels 2-4. ...
Saturday, November 27, 2021
TSR's 1976 "Lower Prices" Dice Ad (that shares text with Holmes Basic)
Friday, November 12, 2021
The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave: Random Encounters
A random encounter table for the The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave, which starts here.
Illustration of a Large Rock Crab by Lore Suto |
When the players spend a turn searching, there is a 1 in 12 chance of an encounter per turn.
If an encounter occurs, roll d12 to determine which:
1. A large rock crab, camouflaged as a rock or stalagmite, strikes out at a random party member with previously hidden claws, surprising on 1-3 in 6. It will spend the next round drumming its claws on the rocky floor (during which time the characters can flee without being attacked), which cause 1d4 crabs to turn up in the next round (from a total colony of 2d4). They will continue this behavior (attacking alternately with drumming) until all crabs in the colony join in.
Large Rock Crab (2d4): DX 9, AC 5, HD 1/2, AT 2 claws for 1d4 each.
A full "new monster" entry for the rock crab can found here.
2. A huge rock crab, camouflaged as a stalactite on the ceiling, drops on a random party member. This surprises on 1-5 in 6, and if the crab gains surprise, the drop is treated as an attack roll with a +4 to hit and doing the indicated damage; if a character is not surprised, they can automatically avoid the dropping crab. Once on the ground, the crab will spend the next round drumming its claws on the floor (see above), attracting the other 1d6 huge crabs in its group to drop to the ground and join in (there is only a 10% chance that any of the other are directly over another party member).
Huge Rock Crab (1d6): DX 6, AC 3, HD 1, AT 2 claws for 1d6 each or drop for 1d8.
3. A stalactite or chunk of rubble, disturbed by the group's movements, falls from above on a random party member. Treat as an attack by a huge rock crab above, but without further attacks.
4. A pack of feral cats, descendants of smugglers' pets, begins circling the party just beyond their light source, meowing raucously for food. Providing food will quiet them. Otherwise, the noise will keep increasing until something else is attracted to the noise (roll again on the table), at which point it will suddenly cease.
5. A juvenile carrion crawler reaches down from a wall or ceiling in an attempt to paralyze a random party member. This is the spawn of the carrion crawler in Area #3; these are encountered alone, and there are only 8 in total throughout the cave system.
Juvenile Carrion Crawler (1): DX 15, AC 9, HD 1, AT 2 only (due to small size), D 0 + save vs poison at +4 or paralyzed.
6. The ghost of a peddler, who long ago provided the smugglers with goods, approaches. He is friendly and eager to sell goods to the party. He can procure any type ordinary equipment available at twice the cost of the rulebook prices. However, these items are actually brought forward in time from the past, and return there after one day.
7. An aggregation of aggroaches on the hunt scurries towards the party. See the full writeup of the aggroach here.
Aggroach (variable): DX 10, AC 7, HD variable, AT 1 bite for 1 point.
Roll a d12 for size and numbers:
7-9 = 1d10 large (HD 1/2)
10-11 = 1d6 huge (HD 1)
12 = 1d4 giant (HD 2)
8. A cloud of miasma settles in the area, sickening the party. Each must Save vs. Poison or make all die rolls at -1 for 3 turns.
9. A vampire bat, part of the colony in Area 6, swoops in and attempts to bite a random party member.
Vampire Bat (1): DX 18, AC 3 (9 while attached), HD 1/8 (1 hp), AT 1 bite for 1 point damage, attaches on a successful hit and then automatically drains 1 hp per round for two rounds, at which point it is full and will detach and fly away.
10. A group of torches appears in the distance in the dark. Once in the light, they are revealed as floating torches. These are corpse lights, a type of minor undead formed from the spirits of smuggler lackeys who died in the caves.
Corpse Light (floating torch) (3d4): DX 10, AC 7, HD 1/8 (1 hp), AT 1 torch for 1 point of damage. Undead, turned as skeletons with a +2 on the roll.
11. A partial skeleton, just an upper torso, drags itself into view and begins inexorably crawling towards a member of party. On 1 in 4 it still wears a minor piece of jewelry worth 10d4 gp.
Partial Skeleton (1): DX 10, AC 7, HD 1/8 (1 hp), AT 1 claws for 1 point of damage. Undead, turned as skeletons with a +2 on the roll.
12. Roll for surprise. On a 1 or 2, a random adventurer realizes that the wet rock they are standing on is actually a grey ooze, which has begun dissolving their boots. Otherwise, they are merely standing near the ooze.
Gray Ooze (1): DX 3, AC 8, HD 3, AT 1 for 2d8.
Chronologically on this blog, this post was made after Area 10 and before Area 11.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Jim Ward on the Why of Chits
The Chit Sheets, Front and Back. Source: The Dice Collector |
Later printings of the Holmes Basic D&D set came with an infamous sheet of chits, pictured above, in place of dice. I myself was one of those kids that received such a set, which only added to my confusion in understanding how the game was placed, despite the instruction sheet included for using the chits. It's long been rumored that the change was due to a dice shortage in face of D&D's popularity, and thus increased need for dice, but former TSR employee Jim Ward recently related (here on FB), how it was actually the result of management decisions by TSR during a time they were developing their own dice:
Young Jim Ward and the Dice Monster
© all rights reserved by James M. Ward
“Young Jim Ward” was a history teacher in a small rural school when the call came in. I had just finished writing Gods, Demi-gods & Heroes, Deities & Demigods for AD&D, and Metamorphosis Alpha the first science fiction role-playing game. I told Gary Gygax that as soon as he could pay my teacher’s salary of 13,400 dollars I would move back to Elkhorn and join his company. In 1980 he was able to do that and I moved.
“Young Jim Ward” started out in the sales department as the inventory controller. It was my job to order the boxes and parts for the games and especially the D&D box set. It was selling 100,000 units a month, steady as clock work. One of “young Jim Ward’s” jobs was to make sure the Hong Kong dice came in on time to fill the next batch of 100,000 boxes. It was a responsibility I took very seriously.
It took exactly six months for 100,000 sets of poly dice to be made, ship from Hong Kong over the water, and be delivered to the boxer in Madison; Patch Press at the time. Naturally, being a careful person “young Jim Ward” ordered the dice two months early so that 100,000 boxes in December had their dice ordered 8 months out. So in May “young Jim Ward” was ordering dice for the December publication and everyone was fine with that.
I’m proud to say there were some problems with getting things in on time before me. After “young Jim Ward” started, we were never late on getting product out. This included the day Patch Press printed 16 pages of the monster manual pages in the player handbook [sic*] and shipped the 100,000 to our warehouse.
So one day “young Jim Ward” is doing his job and the vice presidents of the company have a meeting and decide it would be much more cost effective to make our own dice. I had no problem with the concept. I told them my dice schedule and young Jim Ward went back to work. Two months later, the Vice President in charge of getting the dice molds made comes into my office and says I can stop ordering Hong Kong dice. I became very alarmed and asked the question, do we have finished dice molds? His reply was no but he was sure we would have finished molds in a few short weeks. That was why I could stop ordering dice. “Young and diligent Jim Ward” didn’t want to stop ordering dice since there wasn’t a finished dice mold yet. He went to his Vice President and got permission to order the next month’s 100,000 dice.
Weeks later the other Vice President comes storming into the sales office. “I thought I told you not to order dice,” he shouted. “Do we have a working dice mold?” I asked very meekly even though I wasn’t feeling meek. I had a job to do. “No we don’t, but that doesn’t matter, we will when we need the dice.” He stormed out of the office and I heard the lecture. I was told if a vice president of the company gave me an order I had to do it. I didn’t order the next month’s dice and it almost killed “young Jim Ward” with worry.
For two months “young Jim Ward” got real sneaky and tracked the progress of the dice mold. On the day we were going to be late if we didn’t have Hong Kong dice “young Jim Ward” sent out a memo detailing the schedule and our need for 100,000 sets of dice. “Young Jim Ward” gave it to all of the vice presidents. An hour later the mold VP brought the memo back to my office and threw it in my face. “We will have dice when we need them. You are not to worry about this matter any more.”
Naturally, “young Jim Ward” started to worry even more. I asked my Vice President if I would send out memos every week (I wanted every day, but held myself in check) on the dice issue. He made me send out one a month. On the day when it would be too late to order dice to get them in December I sent out a memo detailing that fact. All the vice presidents got together and were assured we would have dice. “Young Jim Ward” was ordered not to send out any more memos on the dice. Raw blades of inventory agony transfixed “young Jim Ward’s” body as the weeks went by. Still sneaky, I knew exactly what condition the dice were in that were being made by the mold. I begged my VP to talk to Gary about the matter. He did and Gary went to the dice mold VP and asked to see what type of dice were being made by the new molds. That VP opened his desk to pull out several pieces of what looked like popcorn with numbers on them. Clearly they would not be used for the D&D box set. Gary went to me and told me to order dice and get them as soon as possible. He also told me never to listen to anyone who said not to order dice again. That dice VP got a written reprimand and I got a huge smile on my face.
For three ugly months we used cardboard counters and a coupon for dice in our box sets. The only people happy about that were the prisoners in jail as they couldn’t get games with dice in them. From then on the dice VP didn’t like me at all and every time I was promoted into another position he would tell my supervisor what a trouble maker I was.
* It was the Dungeon Masters Guide that was misprinted with the pages of the Monster Manual, in what is designated the "Second Alpha" printing here on the Acaeum.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
"Game Wizards" Has Arrived!
(" As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases ")
Friday, October 1, 2021
Sutherland Dragon Details
As promised in my earlier post about on the exhibit of the Holmes Basic cover art — aka the Sutherland Dragon — here are several close-ups of different portions.
The Fighter
The greens are more apparent, including in details such as the "emeralds" circling the pommel of the sword poking out from the treasure pile.
In the dragon's chest in the upper portion of this image you can clearly see multi-colored gems encrusted between the belly plates. A few are even gleaming, a detail which doesn't show up well because the gleams are white on a yellow background.
Note Sutherland's signature, just visible below the shield. This portion of the image appeared on the bottom edge of the box set cover, where a bit more of his name can be seen than here.
The Magic-User
Here we see the wizard unobscured by the TSR logo and the other writing on the box cover.
Sutherland's attention to the lighting is very apparent in the yellow highlights and deep shadows applied to the wizard's blue robe.
The Dragon
Yellow bands of light radiate out from the wizard's torch, a detail that doesn't reproduce well on the boxed set cover.
The motion lines accentuate the mood that the dragon has just been surprised. Sutherland used motion lines in other illustrations, particularly sword swings, such as on the title page of the Holmes Basic rulebook, as can be seen here.
As a reminder, the exhibit featuring this painting is at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA through Halloween, and then will be at the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, TN from May 20 to September 5, 2022, and then at the Flint Institute of Art in Flint, MI from September 23, 2002 through January 8, 2023.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Ten Years of the Zenopus Archives
Ten years ago today, I made the first post to this blog, "What lies in the (undiscovered) deeper levels where Zenopus met his doom?", which was titled after Holmes' question in the coda to the Sample Dungeon. It was essentially just a teaser post, with just two links, both still active: one to the Zenopus Archives site, which was already under construction, and one to the Holmes Basic subforum on ODD74. But soon after that I started to post regularly, which ballooned to 65 posts in the last four months of 2011, and then 130 the next year, a pace that I have not kept up with since. But I have kept at it, and now it's ten years later, which is almost three times as long as the original era of Holmes Basic, and I have no plans for stopping.
Source |
TSR celebrated their 10th Anniversary with a Collector's Set, so I'm doing the same with 10 years of highlights, a sort of "Collector's Set" for the Zenopus Archives:
Warlock or How to Play D&D without playing D&D?
The Cthulhu Mythos in D&D in the 1970s
Beyond the Door to Monster Mountain
Gygax's "Dungeon Delving" Playtest Reports
The Holmes Basic G+ Community Archive
In Search of the Brazen Head of Zenopus at Gary Con
The Master's Lair, A Play Report
Release of The Ruined Tower of Zenopus
Thursday, September 2, 2021
The Ruined Tower of Zenopus: September Starter Sale
DMs Guild is having a "September Starter Sale", with select introductory adventures up to 30% off through September 7th, and The Ruined Tower of Zenopus has been selected, so it is currently only $1.39!
As a reminder, if you missed the announcement last fall, the pdf now includes a full-page illustration by Chris Holmes (son of J. Eric Holmes) and a printer-friendly dungeon map. The purchase also includes a separate png file of the dungeon map suitable for VTTs (optimized for Roll20).
For old-school enthusiasts, here on the blog I also offered notes on retro-converting it:
The adventure went Platinum back in January (1,001 sales), and is now close to 1,500 sales. However, the next badge (Mithril) at DMs Guild doesn't come until 2,501 sales are hit.
Find it here:
The Ruined Tower of Zenopus on DMs Guild
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Dice Dragon (New Monster)
![]() |
TSR's Dragon Dice (1981). Art by Jim Roslof. Detail of photo by Brian Stillman as found here |
Hit Dice: 1+1
Armor Class: 2
Treasure Type: Q
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d6
- The Pseudo-Dragon from the original Monster Manual, which appears as a miniature red dragon but can change color, and has a poison stinger instead of a breath weapon.
- The Faerie Dragon from the Dragon #62 (and then the Monster Manual II), and breathes "euphoria gas".
- The Pocket Dragon from the module M2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur, which resembles a miniature green dragon and has a venomous bite.
Based on further reports from adventurers collected by the Portown Sage, it is apparent that the Dice Dragon does not only breath faerie fire; rather, that is just one possible effect. Read more here:
Dice Dragon: Breath Weapon further research
Friday, August 20, 2021
The Holmes Basic Set Cover Art: Exhibited!
"The Sutherland Dragon" on display, photo by myself |
Visiting the Museum
After driving several hours we arrived in Stockbridge, where Rockwell had lived, and then at the museum, which is in a beautiful leafy setting with picnic tables and sculptures, which currently includes a complimentary exhibit of contemporary fantasy sculpture, titled Land of Enchantment: A Fantastical Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition. In addition to the museum proper, which counts George Lucas and Steven Spielberg as donors, Rockwell's actual studio is also on the grounds, having been moved there from another location in town.
Update: Thanks to a user on reddit, I've learned that Stockbridge is also famous as the setting of Arlo Guthrie's song Alice's Restaurant.
Seeing The Sutherland Dragon
After paying our entry fee and applying my sticker, I zipped through the rooms of the exhibit until I found what I was there for, which was hung next to another classic from the same era, David Trampier's Pseudo-dragon from the AD&D Monster Manual:
It was stunning to finally see the Sutherland Dragon in the person. The colors in the original are *much* brighter than the published image on the box cover, and many details are more apparent, such as the colorful, glinting gems stuck in the crevices between the dragon's belly scales, like Smaug in the Hobbit. I'll make a follow-up post with a few closer photos of details of the painting, so here I'll just talk about some overall impressions of the painting as it is on display in the exhibition.
Exhibition Catalog
I bought a copy of this at the gift shop, and you can purchase it online here. It's nicely done, edited by the curator of the exhibit, and lavishly filled with color images from the exhibit, plus other images not in the exhibit. There's an 11-page section called "Gaming", which includes a ~1/3-page image of the Sutherland painting — I, of course, wish they made this one full page like some of the other illustrations in the book — and a really nice large scan of Trampier's Pseudo-dragon, as well as other gaming art, including an Elmore and an Easley that were also in the show.
Thy Deadline
If you want to see the exhibit in person in Stockbridge, get there by October 31st of this year!
Update: Mike S. on FB found info here on where the show will later move to:
- May 20 to September 5, 2022: Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, TN
- September 23, 2022 to January 8, 2023: Flint Institute of Art in Flint, MI
Future Posts
I plan to make a few follow-up posts with some closer shots of the Sutherland Dragon, and also a few of the other artworks in the exhibition, including Trampier's Pseudo-Dragon. I'll update this section with the links once they are up.
See also:
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave #10: Driftwood Hermitage
This is an installment of The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave, which starts at Area 1.
Area 9 || |
(C = concealed) |
10. DRIFTWOOD HERMITAGE. This water-filled cavern is the home of a were-shark that lairs in a hut on a ledge on the eastern side.
Entrance. The only practical way to enter this cave is via the half-water-filled passage from Area 9 to the north. This passage opens up to the north end of a large natural cavern, dimly lit during the day via cracks in the ceiling, and also filled with water. The cavern is 50 feet wide (east-west) and extends 90 feet to the south. On the eastern side, a wide rock ledge rises two feet from the water, and on this rests a large wooden hut built against the cavern wall. The ledge extends twenty feet out from the wall.
Underwater Tunnel. The only other exit from the cavern is submerged ten feet beneath the surface of the water in the west wall, where a ten-foot wide underwater tunnel leads several hundred feet to the west to the sea.
Water and Inhabitants. Throughout the cavern, the water is 20 feet deep, and anything entering it will attract the attention of 4 cave sharks that lair here in association with the were-shark. From a watercraft, there is a 2 in 6 chance each turn of spotting the back fin of one briefly breaking the surface. If anyone enters the water, they will begin circling them, but will not attack unless the person is already injured or Mar Nes summons them to his aid.
Cave Sharks (4): DX 12, HD 3 (hp 12), HD 2 (hp 7, 8), HD 1 (hp 4), AC 6, AT 1 bite for 1d6
If the PCs enter during the day, roll a d6 to determine where Mar Nes the Hermit, a former crabber who is now a were-shark, is currently located:
1-3: in the shelter, asleep.
4: in the shelter, awake.
5: swimming underwater, and immediately aware of the party.
6: out of the cavern, with a 1 in 10 chance of returning each round.
At night, Mar Nes will typically be out in the sea hunting for fish.
Ledge and Hut Exterior. The ledge rises nearly straight from the bottom, so a boat can easily be pulled up alongside it.
On closer inspection, the hut is built from large driftwood and decorated with a variety of sea shells. At one end sits at pile of old crab traps. A curtain of old ropes serves as a door, to the back of which are tied several buoy bells that will clang loudly if passed through.
The Hermit Crabber. If the hut is approached and Mar Nes is awake, or awakened by someone attempting to enter, he will cry out that they should speak through the door as he has a contagious skin disease (e.g., leprosy). This is not true, although his rough skin does have an unnatural grey tone. He will also give a fake name (Grink) that townsfolk will not recognize, and claim to have climbed down here years ago through a crack in the ceiling that is no longer accessible.
While not pleased to have his lair discovered, Mar Nes is inquisitive and will try to learn more about the PCs by acting the part of a hermit. He will trade information about the caves for food (other than seafood) or alcohol. Being a smuggler in his youth, he knows the general layout of the cave system prior to the cave-ins, including the tunnel above the waterfall in Area 9. He also knows of the Sea Changed in Area 8, which he avoids, and how to slow the change with daily application of vinegar.
However, if any character possesses the unholy symbol from Area #7, there is a 1 in 6 chance each round that it will trigger Mar Nes changing into were-shark hybrid form and charging forth in an attempt to take it.
In truth, after decades successfully crabbing out of Portown, Mar Nes was bit by a were-shark when pulling up a crab trap. He fended it off with his lucky silver knife, but was infected with lycanthropy. Abandoning town, he remembered these caves and found this spot to lair in, hunting for fish in the sea at night. Due to his force of personality, he has maintained a fair degree of control over his lycanthropy. He occasionally returns to Portown in human form to sell old treasures from shipwrecks for money for his family, and to bring pretty seashells to his beloved young great-granddaughter.
Mar Nes the Were-shark: DX 6 on land, 15 in water, AC 5, HD 4, HP 26, #AT 1 bite for 2d6/1 tail slap (only against a second opponent) for 1d6 plus drop anything held on 1-2 in 6), immune to normal weapons in shark or hybrid forms
A full monster entry for were-sharks can be found here.
Hut Interior. Inside are rough furnishings, including a sleeping mat and sitting logs. Hidden behind a loose rock in the back wall is a cavity holding a barnacle-encrusted gold brooch worth 50 gp, or double that if properly cleaned, several seashells, and an oilskin wrapping holding drawings made by a young child.
There is only one above-water exit from this area, which is the passage from Area 9. There is also a tunnel concealed underwater that leads west several hundred feet out to the ocean.
Chronologically on this blog, the previous post installment was Area 9 and the next posted installment will be Area 11.