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The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave: Index of Posts

An index of posts describing the Forgotten Smugglers' Cave, an adventure for Holmes Basic characters levels 2-4.                    ...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day: Giant Toads in the Blue Book

by Dave Trampier, AD&D Players Handbook (1978)

For Leap Day I'll discuss the Giant Toads in the Holmes Basic Set. "What?", you say, "there aren't any Giant Toads in the Blue Book Monster List!" That's correct, but the original Wandering Monster Table in the 1st print rulebook (1977) did include 1-6 Giant Toads on the 2nd level. This table was revised in the 2nd print (May 1978) to remove monsters not appearing in the Monster List, including the Giant Toad. 

Furthermore, Giant Toads also appeared in the Monster & Treasure Assortment Levels 1-3 that was included in the Basic Set with each of the first three printings of the rulebook (1977, May 1978, Nov 1978).

     Here are the M&TA stats for the Giant Toad, which appear on each level:

     Lvl 1 #5. Giant Toads - (1-2) HP: 12, 8; #AT: 1; AL: 8; AC 7; ST/F 1-3; SA: None.
     Lvl 1 #79. Giant Toads - (1-2) HP: 9, 6; rest of the stats the same
     Lvl 2 #25. Giant Toads - (1-4): HP: 13, 8, 8, 8; rest of the stats the same
     Lvl 3 #8.  Giant Toads - (2-8): HP: 14, 11, 2 x10, 8, 2 x 6, 5; rest of the stats the same
     Lvl 3 #75.  Giant Toads - (2-8): HP: 13, 3 x 11, 10, 2 x 9; of the stats the same

MT&A uses a weird stat in place of HD: AL, or Attack Level, which is the "level of attack by monster as expressed by the monster's base number to score a hit on an unarmored opponent (armor class)". So it's a "to hit AC 9" or THAC9. By cross-referencing AL 8 with the Monster To-Hit Table, we find Giants Toads to have HD 2-3 (using OD&D or most Holmes printings) or 2+ to 3 (using the very last revision of the Holmes rulebook, which revised this table). The average HP of the 24 toads listed in the M&TA is 9.3, an average between 2 HD and 2+1 HD. We'll put them at 2+1 so they'll have an "AL 8" for all versions of the Blue Book.

Giant Toad by Jim Holloway

The history of Giant Toads in early D&D is complex, as with many of the "Giant" animals. In the LBBs, we see "Toads" (not listed as "Giant") in the Basic Animal Table in Vol 3. No stats are provided, but they are encompassed by the "Small Animals" (1 HD) or "Large Animals" (2 HD) described in Vol 2. 

In Greyhawk, "Giant Toad" first appears, both in the variable attack damage table (1 bite, 1-10/bite) and in the 2nd level Wandering Monster table. The GH WM tables appear to have been adapted for the 1st print Blue Book, explaining the reference to Giant Toads. 

In Blackmoor we finally get full stats for a Giant Toad as well as a lengthy description (for OD&D). Attacks/damage remain the same as in GH, but they are also given a "save vs poison" (not further explained). HD is 1-2, AC is 6, # Appearing is 3-30 and MV is 1/3/18 (apparently walking/swimming/leaping). The description indicates they are harmless unless attacked, found in any terrain, have "protective coloration" which is treated as invisible, can leap over 30' obstructions at 18" per turn and can make tongue attacks up to 15' that will draw opponents in. Giant Frogs are described separately, and are more vicious and dangerous. 

Next came the M&TA listing, which doesn't quite match Blackmoor (different HD, different AC, no special attacks indicated), so it may have a separate origin. 

In the Monster Manual, they are HD 2+4, AC 6, damage 2-8, and the tongue attack is dropped. They are also no longer harmless, eating anything rather than just insects. Furthermore, the poison ability is split off to a "Poisonous Toad", indistinguishable from the Giant Toad but slightly weaker (HD 2, AC 7, D 2-5). There's also completely new Ice Toad who are unexpectedly intelligent and have their own "weird language". 

Finally, in B/X, Giant Toads are pushed to the Expert Set, and have HD 2+2, AC 7, D 2-5, a tongue attack and camouflage (surprise on 1-3). Basically we are left with five-six different versions of the Giant Toads (OD&D/GH, BM, M&TA, MM (regular and poisonous) and B/X).

For a simple Blue Book version, we'll naturally use the M&TA stats, and pull in movement and damage from GH/BM (The M&TA is missing a damage stat, possibly because it was intended be used with static or variable damage; so we'll use the variable damage since Holmes does). There's no special attack or defenses in M&TA, so I've left out the poison, tongue attacks and camouflage (also missing from the Monster Manual version), but any of these could be added.

Giant Toad

Move: 30 feet/turn, 180 feet/turn leaping
Hit Dice: 2 + 1
Armor Class: 7
Treasure Type: nil
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1-10

These enormous albino amphibians can be found anywhere underground in groups of 2-8, hunting for prey primarily by scent due to their poor vision. Giant toads can leap up to 180 feet per turn, and up to 30 feet in the air, and can attack on the same round they leap. They eat practically anything, and will attack any humanoids except troglodytes. They are soothed by the scent of troglodytes, who raise them to use as guards and for hunting. Shriekers will also tolerate Giant Toads.

Giant Toad by David Sutherland from the Monster Manual (1977)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Visit Holmeston and see the Haunted Keep

Dave at There's Dungeons Down Under alerted me to a new adventure called "Shadow of the Haunted Keep" that contains a tribute to Holmes. The adventure is 48 pages and is available from RPGnow for $1.99, and is for "the Dark Dungeon 2nd Edition Game" (also by the author, and available for free here) or "or any Old School Renaissance fantasy game you prefer". The adventure provides simple dual DD2E/OSR stats.  The author is Jaap de Goode and the publisher is Sangreal Games, based in The Netherlands. The dungeon portion is a version of the Haunted Keep sample dungeon from the Moldvay Basic rulebook, and there's a town, Holmeston, "named after the honorable late herr doctor Holmes, who first built a settlement here (the blue house)". There's a 7-page preview at RPGnow.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Obscure Art Friday: Masher by Erol Otus

     I'm going to start a weekly series called "Obscure Art Friday". First up is an image I've used for years as my avatar on the Acaeum & Dragonsfoot forums. It's small (low-res) and has a moire pattern in the background due to its source: I snagged the image long ago (2004?) from an auction of original Erol Otus drawings that was posted on the Acaeum. The seller was the Burntwire Brothers, who are long-standing Acaeum members with an impressive game room featuring their collection and much original artwork, which they shared in this thread. The Collector's Trove (who I believe purchased the Otus artwork) later indicated that the back of the drawing has "Monster Manuel" [sic], "Reduce 60%" and "Masher" written on it. This suggests the drawing was intended to illustrate the Masher entry in the 1E AD&D Monster Manual, which describes them in this way: "These worm-like fish move slowly along coral reefs, crushing and eating the coral growth...Mashers have a number of dorsal spines, 4' long, with poisonous secretions". The drawing fits this description accurately, showing an underwater worm with dorsal spines, mashing coral.

      The Masher originally appeared in the Blackmoor supplement, albeit with much less description: "Coral eaters, harmless unless frightened, if so is just like 20 hit dice Purple worm, with treasure". This is one of Steve Marsh's contributions that Gary elaborated on for the Monster Manual, which thanks Marsh "for devising the creatures for undersea encounters which originally appeared in BLACKMOOR." The masher is one of the most obscure monsters in the MM, often entirely forgotten due to being aquatic and lacking an illustration. The Monster Manual had artwork added to the first four printings (1977-1979), as detailed here, so this piece may have been intended for a further revision that never happened; the original MM never included any Otus pieces. The Masher would certainly gotten more attention over the years if it had a cool Otus illustration!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Influence of Warlock on Holmes Basic Combat, Part 1

Thanks to Allan Grohe (grodog), I had the opportunity to exchange a few emails with J. Eric Holmes' son Chris last year. One thing that Chris mentioned to both of us was that he and his father learned to play D&D from a group of high schoolers who used the Warlock D&D supplement published in Spartan #9 (Aug 1975). They only played once with that group but Chris implied they continued using those rules, only starting a new campaign with regular D&D rules when his father was editing the Basic rulebook. 

As I mentioned previously, Holmes later wrote in his FRPG book (1981) that he used the combat table from Warlock when he was starting out. So for a few years (~1975-76), Holmes was using the Warlock supplement, which alters/clarifies/expands the Men & Magic portion of OD&D. Here are a few other places where Holmes shows the influence of the Warlock rules:

     Prior to editing the Basic Set, Holmes contributed several campaign stories to the APAzine Alarums & Excursions edited by Lee Gold, some with Boinger & Zereth of the later Dragon stories. In the "Adventure of the Giant Chameleon" (A&E #14, August 1976), the characters find scrolls with Awaken and Charm Mollusc spells (Update: a wizard also casts Charm Reptile). Warlock has an Awaken spell, a second level M-U spell that cancels sleep spells or drugs. Warlock doesn't have a Charm Mollusc per se but the first level M-U spell list does have a Charm Amphibian, Charm Arachnid, Charm Avian, Charm Crustacean, Charm Fish, Charm Insect, Charm Mammal and Charm Reptile - a diversity that likely inspired Holmes' Charm Mollusc. The story also makes reference to a Charm Reptile spell. These references show that Holmes was using some of the Warlock spells during these early years.

     ● In Dragon #52, Holmes mentions he tried to convince Gygax to include a spell point system in the Basic Set. Warlock has an extensive spell point system where each spell is given a separate point value. So Holmes may have been using this spell point system.

     While neither of the above made it into the Basic rulebook, part of the combat system did. Warlock has an "order of combat" not specified in OD&D or the Greyhawk supplement (movement, magic, archery and then melee):

"Each game turn [one minute] consists of six phases of ten seconds each. Each phase is broken down into four parts: Movement, Magic, Archery, Melee; It is not necessary to operate in phases except when combat occurs, for the simple reason that is is not needed when simply walking around. The parts take place in the order stated during any individual phase. First, all characters in the situation move to any new positions. Then any magical spells are thrown, in order of dexterity of the magic user from high to low. (This step includes any implements, such as rings, used by other characters as well.) Next comes archery, during which dragon breath and other projectiles are hulled. Finally comes melee, with hand to hand combat being resolved" (pg 5).

Now compare this with the Blue Book order of combat from 1977:

"When there is time, or when a magic-user says he is getting a spell ready, magic spells go off first. This is followed by any missile fire, if the distance to the monsters permits, and then melee is joined, after which no missile fire is permitted because of the danger of hitting friendly forces" (pg 21).

While Holmes doesn't mention movement here, the rest of the order is the same: magic, missile fire, melee. Presumably Holmes used what he was familiar with from Warlock to help clarify an aspect of combat for Basic.

Other possible influences on Holmes Basic combat found in this same paragraph of Warlock are the length of combat rounds (10 sec) and the use of dexterity, though with these sorting out influences is complex because the Metamorphosis Alpha RPG also uses both of these in the year (1976) before the Holmes Basic Set. Furthermore, the concept of using dexterity to determine missile/spell order can be traced back to the original D&D rules: "Dexterity ... will indicate the character's missile ability and speed with actions such as firing first, getting off a spell, etc" (pg 11, Men & Magic). Also, Warlock only mentions dexterity for determining spell order (a concept seemingly derived from the OD&D rule) but not melee combat as in Metamorphosis Alpha and Holmes Basic.

See also: 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Updated Covers for 1E AD&D Re-Release

     As reported on the Acaeum by Metamorphosis Sigma, WOTC has released updated covers for the 1E re-releases, which now say Advanced D&D (rather than just D&D) and correct the spelling of "Players" and "Masters" to remove apostrophes, as per the originals. I stitched the three thumbnails together so we could see them side by side.

     They are better than I expected. WOTC found a nice way to update the covers yet use part of the old art. I'd prefer less squiggles/curlicues but it's ok. The color scheme (brown background with yellow and red) reminds me of the World of Greyhawk boxset cover.

     I have 2+ copies of the originals of each of these manuals, so I'll let others have first chance at these new ones.  I'll only buy them to send a message of support for reprints if they don't sell out immediately.

WARLOCK or how to play D&D without playing D&D?

In his 1981 book Fantasy Role-playing Games, Dr. Holmes writes, 

"At Caltech in Pasadena, students Cowan, Clark, Shih, Smith, Dahl and Peterson put together a set of rules with what they felt to be an improved combat and magic system: Warlock. I used their combat table when I first began playing D&D, because I could not understand the one in the original books" (pg 65, Chapter 5: History).

The Warlock system that Holmes refers to was one of the earliest published attempts to comprehensively "fix" D&D. It was published in August 1975 in the Spartan Simulation Gaming Journal #9 (picture above), filling most of the magazine (pages 4-37 of 50). This means it was released the same year as the Greyhawk supplement (Feb 1975 per the Acaeum). Dr. Holmes may have had the published version of Warlock or (this is speculation) an earlier draft circulating among the LA-area, where he lived at the time. 

     On the first page Warlock is subtitled:  "How to Play DandD Without Playing DandD?
     (yes, it writes D&D as "DandD")

The first three introductory paragraphs:
     "A little over a year ago, the first copies of a new game called Dungeons & Dragons appeared on the market. Fantasy fans and gamers in general were enthralled at the possibilities. Most of them became hooked on the game. 
     When our group first started playing it, our overall reaction was that it had great ideas, "but maybe we should change the combat system, clarify the magic, and redo the monsters". Warlock is not intended to replace D&D, nor is it intended to interfere with it. All we have tried to do is present a way of handling D&D without the contradictions and loopholes inherent in the original rules. We spent a considerable amount of time working out a solid combat system, a coherent magic system, and a more flexible way of handling monsters. We have been (rightly) accused of making D&D into a different game altogether, and we think a slightly better one. 
     We recommend that you at least have access to a Dungeons & Dragons game, for the simple reason that we lack the space to go into some of the detail used in their three volumes. The D&D books are a good place to get ideas from. They are not a complete set of rules. We have completed them in our own fashion. We hope you enjoy it."

Warlock covers only material from the first volume of OD&D (Men & Magic), plus the same material from Greyhawk. It has the same character classes, but allows any combination of dual or triple classes, and covers 40 levels (!). It uses a spell point system for magic-users, and its own greatly expanded spell lists (seven levels, though only five levels are fully described). It uses a spell-like system for thieves' abilities, although part of these rules seem to be missing in the original publication. And it has its own extensive combat system that includes critical hits and fumbles. Ironically, considering Dr. Holmes' experience,  the Warlock combat system is more complicated than OD&D; it actually says "the numbers involved in our combat system may look a bit frightening" (pg 26). 

In 1978, the Warlock system was republished as a stand-alone rulebook titled The Complete Warlock (Balboa Games, 56 pages), with the subtitle changed to "a major D&D variant". The 1978 rulebook starts with the same three paragraphs, although they are revised and expanded a bit. Despite the 1978 rules being "complete", they still don't include any material beyond that covered by Men & Magic. Instead they add a lot more complexity across the board, such as more character classes (quadruple magical-fighting-cleric-thief class, anyone?). As a side note, it also changes "hobbits" (used in Warlock) to "halflings", echoing the change found in the D&D booklets. Two further Warlock rulebooks appeared in 1979 and 1980 and finally covered material from Monsters & Treasure (I haven't seen these). See small pictures of the covers here.

So, Warlock was one of the first attempts to take post-Greyhawk Supplement D&D and "get it right" (and possibly the first published extensive revision of D&D?). The introduction sounds a bit arrogant, and laughable in retrospect, but it's a natural impulse that has led to innumerable other RPGs. Like Arduin, Warlock started as a supplement to D&D, except that it has been largely forgotten. This is probably because it contains mostly rules with very little flavor text and almost no art. I think it deserves a little more attention due to the very early publication date and the connections with Holmes. California was an active place for published D&D variants between Warlock, Arduin and the Perrin Conventions.

In Dragon #109, Paul Crabaugh (LA-area gamer) wrote: "In the Good Old Days, the days of the original three books of the Dungeons & Dragons game, the number of variants on the rules was roughly equal to X, where X was the number of players in the game. Alas, we all get older and more conservative, and with the publication of the more detailed, more structured D&D Basic Set, variant rules tended to become one with history."
It is speculation on my part, but Holmes' exposure to Warlock may have motivated him to offer to edit the D&D rules to make them more clear, leading to the Basic Set, which ironically helped confine variants like Warlock to the dustbin. Except for at CalTech itself, where the gaming group(s) seem to have carried on the Warlock tradition (later revisions of the rules have been spotted around the 'net).

See also

Part 16 of the Holmes manuscript series

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Typical Monster Dexterities

Initiative in the Blue Book rules is determined by dexterity. Holmes suggests rolling a monster's dexterity on the spot if it is not known, and the Sample Dungeon does not include dexterity in the monster stats. However, in the first printing of the module B2 Keep on the Borderlands, Gary Gygax provided a dexterity score for most of the monsters. These can be used to extrapolate some typical monster dexterity scores as envisioned by Gygax:

Non-Humanoid (fastest to slowest):
Puma - DX 18
Adder - DX 15
Medusa - DX 14
Giant Centipede - DX 13
Spider, Large - DX 12
Gray Ooze - DX 11
Skeleton - DX 11
Owl Bear - DX 10
Stirge - DX 10
Huge Dog - DX 9
Fire Beetle - DX 9
Giant Rat - DX 8, 12 (l)
Wight - DX 7
Zombie - DX 6
Gelatinous Cube DX 5

Humanoid (smallest to largest):
Kobold - DX 13 (m), 10 (f), 12 (l)
Goblin - DX 11 (m), 10 (f), 13 (l)
Orc - DX 10 (m), 12 (f), 12 (l)
Hobgoblin - DX 10 (m), 12 (f), 15 (l)
Gnoll - DX 9 (m), 8 (f), 11 (l)
Lizardman - DX 10 (m), 9 (f)
Bugbear - DX 8 (m), 8 (f), 8 (l)
Ogre - DX 8
Minotaur - DX 12

Notes: (m) male, (f) female, (l) leader. 
Numbers represent predominate dexterity, rather than an average. 

A different way to generate a quick DX score is to divide the monster's Move score by 10. I was curious about how well this would match up with the DX stats from B2. So here are the same monsters using the movement in the Holmes rulebook converted to DX by this method:

Non-Humanoid (fastest to slowest):
Puma - not in Holmes Monster List; B2 doesn't give MV; Displacer Beast DX 15
Adder - not in Holmes Monster List; B2 doesn't give MV
Medusa - DX 9
Giant Centipede - DX 15
Spider, Large - DX 6 / 15 (web)
Gray Ooze - DX 1
Skeleton - DX 6
Owl Bear - DX 12
Stirge - DX 18
Huge Dog - not in Holmes Monster List; B2 doesn't give MV; War Dog DX 12 in MM
Fire Beetle - DX 12
Giant Rat - DX 12
Wight - DX 9
Zombie - DX 12
Gelatinous Cube DX 6

Humanoid (smallest to largest):
Kobold - DX 12
Goblin - DX 6
Orc - DX 9
Hobgoblin - DX 9
Gnoll - DX 9
Lizardman - DX 6 / 12 (water)
Bugbear - DX 9
Ogre - DX 9
Minotaur - DX 12

A few are similar, but most are quite different. So Gygax wasn't terribly influenced by the movement rates when determining the DX scores in B2. Some may have been randomly rolled, though others like the Puma were clearly selected, and humanoids seem to follow a trend of decreasing DX scores with increased size (except for the Minotaur). 

Originally posted here

Edit: And here are Gygax's typical Strength scores for humanoids, from the 1E DMG, pg 15:

Halfling - 8
Kobold - 9
Human, Gnome, Goblin - 10
Elf, Orc - 12
Dwarf - 14
Hobgoblin - 15
Gnoll - 16
Bugbear - 17
Ogre - 18
Trolls - 18+
Giant - 19 & up

2018 Update
There's a case to be made that Skeleton and Zombie Move stats should be reversed in Holmes Basic, so that Skeletons move at 12", Zombies at 6". This is the scores they have in the Monster Manual. If so, the B2 DX scores are a much closer fit to their MV scores.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Jean Wells art: Nereid from Lost Tamoachan

Nereid by Jean Wells from Lost Tamoachan tournament module (1979)

Here's art by Jean Wells that I came across tonight that I've never seen before. It's a Nereid, and appears in Lost Tamoachan, the 1979 Origins tournament module that was later turned into C1 Lost Shrine of Tamoachan (1980), by Harold Johnson and Jeff Leason. Jean is given a credit for Interior Art (along with Sutherland, LaForce and Johnson himself) and "much needed help", which apparently was help in getting the module printed in time (See here). This tournament module was limited to 300 copies sold at the convention and is highly sought after by collectors, often selling for well over $1000. Which is why I've never seen this art before (it was not included in C1). The Nereid was a new monster for D&D that first appeared in the Lost Tamoachan, then C1, and then the Monster Manual II (1983). The scan is from this post on the Athornton blog.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jean Wells GenCon Tournaments

     These are the tournaments that Jean Wells ran at GenCon in 1980 and 1981, courtesy the respective program schedules:

GENCON XIII, Aug 21-24 1980
Basic Tournament  - Head Judge - "a tournament for those who have just started to play D&D using the Basic Set Rules"

Delta IV - Judge - "Can you secure a mining treaty for your home planet and return alive? Delta IV is a yet-to-be published boardgame written by the referee"

GENCON XIV, Aug 13-16 1981
Beauty & The Beast  - Judge - "a fantasy role playing event using AD&D (and a few other) rules"

Outpost of the Forgotten Lands - Judge - "An AD&D game, with variations!"

* * * * *

     The Basic Tournament is interesting because as of mid-80, Holmes Basic was the only Basic Set in print. So this tournament was possible a Holmes Basic tournament. And possibly this tournament was an early version of Wells' Palace of the Silver Princess, which was written in the 1980. So Palace was possibly even originally written for Holmes Basic. On the other hand, Moldvay Basic came out in early 1981, and was probably in development by Aug 1980, so it's entirely possible that this tournament previewed the revised version, and that Palace was always for the same.

    In her 2010 Save or Die podcast interview, Wells mentioned a boardgame that she had completed that was not published by TSR. Here 2010 Grognardia interview also mentioned the same: "I also worked on a space travel board game with play testers, one was Ernie Gygax, and they all had fun, but Lawrence [Schick] said no. I even had it at cost too". A "space travel board game" sounds like the description of Delta IV from GenCon XIV above, so I'm going to conclude these are all the same thing.

     I don't know anything else about the Beauty or Outpost tournaments she ran in 1980.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jean Wells in Dragon Magazine

I searched through Dragon tonight and compiled more info on Jean's work at TSR:

Dragon #24 (April 1979), "From the Sorcerer's Scroll" by Gary Gygax - Jean Wells is now on the staff of a new Design Department (pg 19).

Dragon #25 (May 1979), "From the Sorcerer's Scroll" by Gary Gygax - the DMG is finished and "TSR's new Design Department, namely Lawrence Schick and Jean Wells, undertook the authorship of two sections - ostensibly to test the mettle of these good folk, but actually to assure that the whole manuscript would be finished in a timely manner" (pg 33).

Dragon #28 (Aug1979), "The Dungeon Masters Guide and a Few Words", capsule reviews of the DMG by various TSR staff that worked on it, including Jean Wells (page 5).

Dragon #31 (Nov 1979), first Sage Advice column, by Jean Wells (pg 26). Runs through column #39 credited to her alone. Gone from issues #40-41, reappears in #42 indicating that it will now be answered by multiple authors. Jean answers a few more questions in issues #43 and #46.

Dragon #34 (Feb 1980) - playtester for Doomkeep module, Second Official AD&D Masters Tournament (page M10).

Dragon #39 (July  1980), "Women want equality and why not?", Jean Wells and Kim Mohan (pg 16-17). Also credited as an artist in this issue, but I couldn't find an illustration she signed.

Revised Bibliography: 

Jean Wells - TSR Bibliography
Monster Manual (1979) - Interior Art added to Aug 1979 revision (Eye of the Deep, Giant Sumatran Rat, Otyugh (with "Dave"), Violet Fungi)
Dungeon Masters Guide (1979) - Uncredited authorial work (per Gary Gygax in Dragon #25)
Lost Tamaochan (1979) - Interior Art and other help
S2 White Plume Mountain (1979) - Editor
Dragon #28 (Aug 1979) - Capsule review of DMG (pg 5)
Dragon #31 (Nov 1979) - Author, Sage Advice column (also issues #32-39, 43, 46)
Rogues Gallery (1980) - Design, Editing, Layout; includes her character Ceatitle
B2 Keep on the Borderlands (1980) - Co-Editor
Dragon #34 (Feb 1980) - Playtester, Doomkeep module
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (1981) - Author and Interior Art
Dragon #39 (July 1980) - Co-Author, "Women want equality and why not?" (pg 16). Also has an artist credit for this issue.
A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords (1981) - Interior Art
Polyhedron #3 (Winter 1981) - Interior Art ("Plant Creature" = Jupiter Blood Sucker from B3)
Polyhedron #4 (Jan 1982) - Interior Art (illustration of Duchess and Candella) 

See also:
Jean Wells - author and illustrator

Jeff's Gameblog: Surgeon of the Underworld

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