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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

"The Making of Original D&D: 1970-1977": Table of Contents

Above is a screenshot of the Table of Contents for the forthcoming book, The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, which I've written about previously. This was shown at a 50th Anniversary Panel at Gary Con in March, and later shared on D&D Beyond, and now can be seen on the Amazon order page, where the book is available for pre-order for $99, and with a price-drop guarantee:

The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977

There's over 576 pages of content in this book, and the page numbers confirm the previously reported but still-stunning news that the tome will include all or most of the original 1973 OD&D draft (pages 84-181), the three OD&D LBBs (pages 202-328), the Greyhawk supplement (pages 356-415), the Blackmoor supplement (pages 430-497), the Eldritch Wizardry supplement (pages 506-569), plus a slew of material from correspondence, drafts, player notes, and magazine articles.

For posterity (including future searchability), here is a text transcript of the contents, into which I've inserted some of the promotional images for the book in their appropriate places:

Table of Contents

Preface (page 4)
Foreword (page 6)

Pages 8 and 9

Part 1: Precursors (page 9) (Read more about what these documents are here)
    Grayte Wourmes (page 10)
    Maps of the Great Kingdom (page 18)
    Medieval Weaponry in the Encyclopedia Britannica (page 20)
    Chainmail's Fantasy Supplement (page 26)
Pages 28 and 29
    Gygax on Armor (page 46)
    The Battle of the Brown Hills (page 50)
    Arneson's "Medieval Braunstein" (page 54)
    Blackmoor Gazette and Rumermonger 2 (page 58)
    "Points of Interest in Black Moor" (page 60)
    The Wizard Gaylord (page 64)
    Loch Gloomen (page 68)
    Outdoor Survival (page 72)
    Gygax/Arneson Blackmoor Correspondence (page 76)

Part 2: The 1973 Draft of Dungeons & Dragons (page 79)
    Greyhawk and the Revised Great Kingdom Map (page 80)
    The First Draft of D&D (page 84)
    The Twin Cities Draft (page 182)
    The Mornard Fragments (page 188)
    The "Clean-Up Crew" (page 198)

Part 3: Original Dungeons & Dragons (page 201)
    Expanding the Rules (page 201)
    Draft Versus Published Version (page 202)
    The Brown Box and the White Box (page 202)

Pages 288 and 289

Part 4: Articles & Additions  (page 329)
    Monsters' Attacks and Damage (page 330)
    Greyhawk Player Maps (page 336)
    Gygax in Europa (page 338)
    The Strategic Review 1 (page 348)
    Greyhawk (page 356)

Pages 199, ?, and 414

    Excerpts from the Strategic Review (page 416)
    Blackmoor (page 430) 
    Additional Excerpts from the Strategic Review (page 498)
    Eldritch Wizardry (page 506)
    The Dragon (page 570)
    Gods, Demi-gods and Heroes (page 574)

Afterword: A Whole New Game (page 576)

While it remains jaw-dropping that WOTC is publishing a book of this nature, and the contents themselves are far beyond what anyone would have predicted, just for completeness sake I will note a few items that are apparently not included:

---The contents only list Chainmail's Fantasy Supplement, so it looks like it will not include the entirety of Chainmail, making it a bit less useful as a complete resource for OD&D, as running OD&D using Chainmail combat also requires the non-Fantasy portions. However, you can get a reprint of the complete Chainmail for less than $10 at DMs Guild, so it's easy to find this material.

---Gods, Demigods & Heroes is listed in the contents, but starts only two pages before the Afterward, so obviously this section is just a brief look at this supplement rather than the whole book.

---There's no mention of Holmes Basic in the contents; thus, if there's any coverage it will the be in Afterword ("A Whole New Game"). I haven't seen an exact page count for the book, so I don't know how long the Afterword is. Based on the originally announced title for the book, which included the dates "1970-1976", I wasn't expecting anything about Holmes Basic in it; but when the title was tweaked to "1970-1977", it seemed possible that it might get at least a page or two of its own, possibly discussing the Holmes Manuscript, which is based purely on OD&D. 

As noted above the book is over 575 pages as it is, so I'm not really surprised that there was indeed some limit to the expansiveness of the material that they could include.

See also these other posts:

The Making of OD&D Book: What Might the "Precursors" Be?

"How Dungeons & Dragons Started" (video about the book)

"The Making of Original D&D: 1970-1977": Everything we know about this upcoming WOTC book

Megarry's Copy of the Great Kingdom Map


  1. This looks like a pretty amazing volume, bringing together a lot of great material. I'm going to have to get a copy!

  2. What does the book say about Arneson and my journey to Lake Geneva in February, 1973?

    1. Hi, David. I'm not involved in the project, so I won't have a copy until June when it is released, but I can let you know then. Thank you for all of your work on Dungeon.
