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The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave: Index of Posts

An index of posts describing the Forgotten Smugglers' Cave, an adventure for Holmes Basic characters levels 2-4.                    ...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Part 46: "Zenopus Built a Tower"

Part 46 of a comparison of Holmes' manuscript with the published Basic Set rulebook. Turn to page 41 of your 'Blue Book' (page 40 for the 1st edition) and follow along...


This is my favorite part of the rulebook. The introduction is highly evocative, reading almost like the weird fiction that Holmes was a fan of. As he wrote a few years later in an article for Psychology Today, “my players have wandered through bits of Barsoom and Hyperborea, through worlds created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, H. Rider Haggard, A. Merritt, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clark Ashton Smith” (from "Confessions of a Dungeon Master")

Like the Example of Play, the Sample Dungeon is modeled on a portion of OD&D, Vol 3 (in this case, the 'Sample Level' on pages 4-5), but again Holmes creates something new in his own voice. The OD&D Sample Level is just a collection of examples whereas Holmes presents his dungeon ideas as part of a coherent adventure, almost a mini-setting.

Back in 2006, Gary Gygax wrote, in response to my query, that "J. Eric Holmes did design the sample dungeon in the first D&D Basic Set". This is now confirmed by the manuscript, which includes the entire dungeon as we know it, with only minor changes by TSR in the published version.

In the manuscript, the introduction to the sample dungeon takes up exactly two pages (118 & 119), and has the same title as the published version. In fact there are only two significant changes to the introduction, both in the last paragraph. But I'll go through it line-by-line and note some possible inspirations for the story.

Background — 100 years ago the sorcerer Zenopus a tower on the low hills overlooking Portown. The tower was close to the sea cliff west of the town and, appropriately, next door to the graveyard. 

As I've written before, the sorcerer's name is very close to Xenopus, which means “strange foot” in Greek, but is also the name for a genus of African clawed frogs, which are social, aquatic, and fish-eating. The use of the name was presumably an in-joke as Dr. Holmes was a neurophysiologist and Xenopus laevis is commonly used in biology research. Holmes later used frog-men in his novel Maze of Peril. 

Going by OD&D, the title "sorcerer" would indicate that Zenopus is a 9th level M-U, but he is also referred to as a magician (level 7) or a wizard (level 11 or above), although only the latter is capitalized, at the end of the fifth paragraph ("Wizard's tower"). See here for more.

The dedication in Holmes' 1981 book (Fantasy Role-playing Games) is made to the adventurers in his games, including those "who plumbed the depths of the Wizard's Tower", which is possibly this same adventure.

Chris Holmes mentioned to me that "You may find the wizard Zenopus in a [Clark Ashton] Smith story". Smith's work (of which I've only read a select portion - so far), is replete with wizards, but one possible candidate is the wizard Malygris, who has a tower on a hill in a city in the tales The Last Incantation and The Death of Malygris. Another is the Hyperborean wizard Eibon, who has a tower by the sea in The Door to Saturn. Other doomed wizards are found in the The Double Shadow and The Coming of the White Worm

The location of sorcerer's tower in the town is also reminiscent of Howard's Conan story The Tower of the Elephant (1933), as Paleologos suggested in here.

Rumor has it that the magician made extensive cellars and tunnels underneath the tower. 

In Lovecraft's The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1927), the antagonist Curwen, who is occasionally described as a wizard, has a laboratory in a farm outside of town, and several of his opponents become "convinced that a great series of tunnels and catacombs ... underlay the farm". 

The town is located on the ruins of a much older city of doubtful history and Zenopus was said to excavate in his cellars in search of ancient treasures. 

The older city is also described as "pre-human", making it reminiscent of the ancient non-human civilizations described in Lovecraft's The Nameless City (1921)* and At the Mountains of Madness (1931). Holmes furthered this concept in The Maze of Peril, describing a megadungeon Underworld that stretches to the center of the earth, built by an unknown prehistoric race.

*Thanks to Falconer at OD&D74 for this suggestion.

Fifty years ago, on a cold wintry night, the wizard's tower was suddenly engulfed in green flame.  

A monstrous green flame features prominently in Lovecraft's The Festival (1925), and the town in that story (Kingsport, based on real-life Marblehead) is reminiscent of Portown. See here for further discussion.

Several of his human servants escaped the holocaust, saying their master had been destroyed by some powerful force he had unleashed in the depths of the tower.

The destructive force unleashed in the depths recalls the Balrog of Moria, which was disturbed by the Dwarves deep delving. As Gloin tells the Council at Rivendell, "Too deep we delved there, and woke the nameless fear". 

Needless to say the tower stood vacant for a while after this, but then the neighbors and the night watchmen complained that ghostly blue lights appeared in the windows at night, that ghastly screams could be heard emanating from the tower at all hours, and goblin figures could be seen dancing on the tower roof in the moonlight. Finally the authorities had a catapult rolled through the streets of the town and the tower was battered to rubble. This stopped the hauntings but the townsfolk continue to shun the ruins. 

In the Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward, the neighbors also see and hear strange lights and noises emanating from the Curwen farm, which has a "cryptical stone edifice with high narrow windows". 

The entrance to the old dungeons can be easily located as a flight of broad stone steps leading down into darkness, but the few adventurous souls who have descended into crypts below the ruin have either reported only empty stone corridors or have failed to return at all. 

Other magic-users have moved into the town but the site of the old tower remains abandoned. 

One of these other magic-users may be thaumaturgist found in the dungeon, whose tower above Room S is among the streets of Portown.

Whispered tales are told of fabulous treasure and unspeakable monsters in the underground passages below the hilltop, and the story tellers are always careful to point out that the reputed dungeons lie in close proximity to the foundations of the older, prehuman city, to the graveyard, and to the sea. 

Delta found a passage from Lovecraft's Pickman's Model (1927) that ends in a parallel fashion: "Look here, do you know the whole North End once had a set of tunnels that kept certain people in touch with each other's houses, and the burying-ground, and the sea?"

Portown is a small but busy city linking the caravan routes from the south to the merchant ships that dare the pirate-infested waters of the Northern Sea. Humans and non-humans from all over the globe meet here. 

Here we get a thumbnail sketch of a campaign setting. The mention of pirates is possibly a clue to the pirates hiding in the dungeon - this background material is meant to be read to the players, as indicated below.

"Non-humans" appears to be Holmes' term for "demi-humans" (a term that would first appear in the Player's Handbook) but may also include other humanoids. The town in The Maze of Peril had a serpentman or two wandering around.

At the Green Dragon Inn, the players of the game gather their characters for an assault on the fabulous passages beneath the ruined Wizard's tower. 

Holmes' Green Dragon Inn most likely comes from Tolkien rather than Greyhawk, as the one in Greyhawk hadn't been published at the time. Holmes also used the Green Dragon Inn in his Boinger & Zereth stories, including The Maze of Peril. See this post.

The Dungeon Master should read the background material above to the assembled players and then let them decide how they will proceed. The stairway from the surface leads twenty five feet straight down and ends in the corridor marked START on the Dungeon Master's map. Because of the nature of some of the traps in the dungeon, it is highly recommended that no one attempt it alone. If only one player is taking his or her character into the dungeon, the Dungeon Master should recommend employing one or more assistants. These non-player characters can then be "rolled up" and hired out for a share of the treasure. 

In the published rulebook, the second sentence above was moved to the end of the paragraph, but not otherwise changed. This seems a good change as it places it right before the room descriptions. The published version also changes "one or more assistants" to "one or more men-at-arms". Holmes' included guidance on hiring NPCs earlier in the rulebook.

(Some material in this post appeared earlier in "Holmes Basic easter eggs" on OD&D74). 

Continue on to Part 47: "The Occupants are Goblins" (Rooms A-E)
or Go Back to Part 45: "Roll the Number and See What Happens!"
or Go Back to the Index: The Holmes Manuscript 


  1. Good post and continued analysis. As you know this is one of my favorite dungeons and I enjoy learning more about it and Holmes as well.

  2. Another good candidate for the CAS wizard is Maal Dweb (who is in "The Maze of the Enchanter" and in "The Flower-Women".

    1. Thanks, I will move those ahead in the reading list!

  3. Am I the only one who thinks that "Zenopus Built a Tower" would make for a great Vacation Bible School song?

  4. Excellent analysis as always, Zeno.

    "Non-humans" appears to be Holmes' term for "demi-humans" (a term that would first appear in the Player's Handbook) but may also include other humanoids. The town in The Maze of Peril had a serpentman or two wandering around.

    Holmes' character Bolgar the Bold used the term "unhuman" in the story "Trollshead" (THE DRAGON #31).

    Maze of Peril mentions "a few serpentmen" at the Green Dragon Tavern. Silith the Serpent Woman was an important character in Holmes' ("The Adventure of the Lost City" parts I and II, ALARUMS & EXCURSIONS #s 17 and 19). Two lizard men work in Caladan: one who assists Misteera the Medium ("The Sorcerer's Jewel," DRAGON #46) and one standing guard for Grink, the gnomish trader ("In the Bag," DRAGON #58).

    1. Great list, Tony. There was also that centaur character in one chaper of Maze, and I recall a town guard with horns - suggesting less than human ancestry. Quite a melting pot.

      Speaking of Holmes' serpentmen, there's also his mention of the "Half-human, half-serpent Naga" in the Manuscript, which may be the same as his serpentmen, particularly Silith, who seems mostly human. This also makes me think that the Naga PC described in Confession of a DM may be one of these serpent woman rather than a typical D&D Naga.

      Several of the Clark Ashton Smith stories I've read recently have featured a nearly forgotten prehistoric serpentman civilization. That could be used for pre-human origins of the dungeons of Portown. Although you'd need to explain why there are some hanging out at the Green Dragon. : )

  5. Here's one for the kiddos:

    Zenopus built a Tower
    A Tower In Portown
    Zenopus had a Tower
    Until it was knocked Down

    Zenopus had his Tower
    Where he could be real mean
    Until his big bad Tower
    Got burned up good and green

    Now there is no Tower
    Just rocks there in the town
    Zenopus has no Tower
    Because it was knocked down

  6. I could deal with a half-serpent character type than a 'half-naga', because I automatically assume that nagas are pretty powerful monsters. Allowing it as a PC (well, half of it anyway) seems to be a bit much. I could deal with lizardman characters, and even a variation on the Yuan-Ti monsters as PC types.

    Not having read Maze of Peril, I can only guess what the guard with horns really was? A half-goat man? Half-demon/devil? (A 'tiefling'??? Oh my!)

    Portown as a setting & Holmes as a rule set keeps opening my eyes wider every time I look closer at them. :)

  7. I think when this was published that Holmes may have played in Gary's Greyhawk campaign and could have used it for his D&D setting. When I look at a map of Middle-Earth, there really isn't a northern sea. In the various versions of the Greyhawk setting, there does seem to be a northern sea. Also, while the characters start at the Green Dragon Inn, it doesn't indicate directly where the characters go in order to find the dungeon. The text indicates caravan routes to the south and the northern sea to the north are connected. I also see that the pirate cove exits to the "sea," not a river (such as the one next to the City of Greyhawk). Even the coloring book which re-uses the same map indicates starting at the Green Dragon Inn and then riding horses for two or three days to get to the dungeon. Therefore, I think it makes sense to look for a place west of a city where the caravan routes meet the northern sea. It looks like that would be either Vlekstaad or Mosshold based on the routes listed on the map and the fact that the sample dungeon text describes the dungeon as west of Portown and because the pirate cove exists to the west on the sample map. Does this make sense to you?

  8. I'm not sure if Greyhawk existed in its well-known form (as published in 1980) at the time that Holmes wrote up the Sample Dungeon text (prior to Feb 1977). Gygax's earlier maps looked different: Great Kingdom Map

  9. I bought the Holmes book on gaming because of your website. Holmes is aware of the Tolkien connection obviously but I don't get the impression that his setting is Middle-Earth. So that leaves me with a Greyhawk with a sea to the north. Published Greyhawk was published in 1980 so did Gary move a sea into position for his players by 1977...did Holmes play loose with the setting...? It's hard to pin down without a witness for sure.

  10. This was interesting! I've linked your work in my article about D&D books -

  11. I am running a game of "Mazes & Minotaurs", which is Mythic Greek inspired OSR game (instead of based on Tolkien and the Middle Ages). The setting is "Kriti" (Crete) during a quasi-mythical version of the Late Bronze Age. As an homage (plus, I am lazy) I repurposed and repackaged "The Tower of Zenopus" to be more Greek-sounding as "The Tower of Xenopus", and tied it into the myth of the Labyrinth of the Minotaur. The stone tower was a fortification built by a Mycenaean warlord, Xenopus ("Strange Foot") which is still standing. It is built on top of the earlier ruins of a Minoan temple on a mountaintop (a "peak sanctuary") in central Crete. Like many Minoan peak sanctuaries it was also a sacred burial cave, which dovetails nicely with parts of the original "Tower of Zenopus". The tunnels of the "dungeon" would have been carved out of the soft limestone rock common to Crete and filled with bones. (Minoans practiced primary and secondary burial, where remains would first be stripped of flesh, then re-interred en masse in ossuaries like jars, small caskets, etc. with several sets of remains in one container). Floors are limestone, all walls have extensive Minoan murals (dolphins, bulls, female goddess figures of Rhea/Cybele, etc.). Most doors have been removed to fit the archaic burial cave theme. Also, metal for hinges was scarce in the Late Bronze Age.

    To adapt the map I flipped it over left-to-right but left it mostly unchanged. Above the initial entry stairs was a Mycenaean square stone tower fortification typical of the period (a ground floor and a roof accessed by a stairs). As the underground complex is on a mountain the underground river is the same. But the tunnel to the ocean is now instead a mystical passage to the Underworld. The pirates inside it are all changed to be "Telkines", mythical Greek "fish-children" (aka "Sons of Dagon" or off-brand Deep Ones). The goblins are changed to "Kobaloi". ("Kobalos" is linguistically related to "Kobold", which is itself linguistically related to "Goblin".) The ghouls become "Vrykolakes", a sorta-similar undead cannibal of Greek folklore. Giant rats and the Giant Spider are the same. Room S still has stairs up, these lead to another burial cave. The sorcerer inside is changed to be a Telkine water Elementalist with a Telkine guard.

    Room S now also has stairs down, these lead to the Labyrinth of the Minotaur. At the middle of the maze are the remains of the Minotaur, slain by Theseus (and with the sword he used still in its ribs). At the entrance to the Labyrinth a "clue" (ball of thread) is tied off. This is what Theseus used to navigate the Labyrinth. It becomes clear the Labyrinth is not a real maze; although the path twisted and turned there are no branching paths or dead ends. (This is the classical Cretan labyrinth diagram.) It becomes clear the thread does not somehow mark off branches to aid in navigation, it simply measures distance to the middle of the Labyrinth. This is because it was intended all along the Greek (Hellene) sacrifices would be forced to travel a single path inwards to the centre where the Minotaur would be waiting to kill them. There would be no side passages, no dead ends. They would simply travel the path and it turned back and forth, becoming disheartened and confused, then die. Theseus, as he knew how far he would go, was forewarned by the thread running out. Thus when nearing the centre of the Labyrinth he was ready for a fight, unlike all the other sacrificial victims.

    Thus, the classic "Tower of Zenopus" becomes the "Tower of Xenopus"!

    1. Wow, fantastic stuff! Thanks for sharing it. Sounds like a very fun adaptation to play in. Let us know how it goes.

    2. And if you are okay with it, I'd like to share your comment as a post on my blog.

    3. t would be my pleasure! There are a couple of monsters that do not need adapting: the giant spider and crab, and the skeletons. The players are very into the quest; they have passed up every chance of looting even though there are glints of gold and valuables mixed within the bones in the ossuary vessels, a couple chests of silver in the boats on the shore of the vast underground ocean (the Gods warned them to not proceed further in that direction as it leads to the underworld, and it was not yet their time). As another "Greek" touch the rotating statue is of Poseidon, and the talking mask looks like the "death mask" of Agamemnon. In the central circular room are stairs leading up (into come caves on the mountainside) and a trap door leading down into the labyrinth.

      The labyrinth is a classic "Cretan" one: circular with no branching paths with dead ends. One single path to the end. Clearly not the confusing maze they are expecting! The purpose of the labyrinth was to execute prisoners. So they wander the single path to the end where the Minotaur waited to end their lives. By that time they would be disoriented and demoralised, easy prey in the darkness. How Theseus prevailed was using a "clue", a ball of yarn. I could never figure out how that would help to navigate a maze unless it was really, really big! But if the path has no branches then a strand of twine can do one thing well: measure distance. Therefore Theseus would know exactly how far he'd gone and how close to the end. Instead of the Minotaur ambushing him as he stumbled along, confused, he would know to be armed and ready for a fight. A fight the Minotaur would not expect, the advantage would be his. In this case the PCs would follow the twine to the centre, there to face the Minotaur.

    4. Great! It's posted here now: Tower of Xenopus. And I'd be happy to update it with your last name or any link you'd like to add.

  12. In case it's of interest to you, I recently found a page for a game with a minotaur maze set under the Knossos Palace Throne Room:

    The Palace of Knossos has a map:

    Knossos is a Bronze Age archaeological site in Crete. Crete is supposed to be where the minotaur was.

    There is also a place that is labeled as a labyrinth on Crete but it is not under the Palace:

    Then there are some cool representations:,_Crete_%281600%29.jpg

    and the Holmes minotaur map from the "Eye of Arzaz":

    And on Rhodes is Emirikol the Chaotic:

    1. Thanks! That's great! I'm actually running the adventure "Tomb of the Bull King" which incorporates the map of the palace of Knossos. I decided to run "Tower of Xenopus" first.

  13. A spot of pedantry: Xenopus is Greek, not Latin.

  14. Ha ha! Through random chance one of my players came across the write-up and deduced who and what this was about. She promised to not rat me out. I should have waited to post until after we were done! So you may as well add my last name, Stroppa.

    I decided to not do random encounters, although the Kobaloi (employed by the sorcerer as guards) are not doing a great job and could start patrolling. The sorcerer "boss" is a recurring NPC in my game, a woman. She's annoyed the Kobaloi are not doing their job!

    Although like everyone I read Zenopus in the D&D Basic set, I never experienced it as a player or DM. It just has so many nice touches. And as mentioned it converts well to other fantasy systems.

    As a GM's note, I thought the giant crab would give them a lot of trouble as their claws are very deadly in a low-HP system like Mazes & Minotaurs. But this turned out to not be the case. We are using the optional "Homeric" combat rules (critical hits) and the first shot with a sling stone nailed it in the eye and it spasmed, losing its turn. I determined it had been flipped on its back and needed a turn to right itself. (The actual result was the target fell down, which doesn't make sense for a squat 6-legged behemoth. Instead of ignoring the result I decided on something cinematic.) The PCs piled on and got several good hits in. By the time it stood back up the fight was practically over. It tried to disengage and they finished it off.
