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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Art & Arcana on sale again - get the original Tomb of Horrors


Today I notice that the Art & Arcana Special Edition - which includes a reprint of the original version of Tomb of Horrors resembling an OD&D supplement - is back in stock and on sale and at an even lower listed price than before, $61.61 (albeit there's no extra coupon). That's lower than the pre-order price I paid when it came out ($63.50). Find it here:

Art & Arcana Special Edition

One thing I forgot to mention last time that is of interest to readers of this blog is that the book includes a drawing by Chris Holmes of a displacer beast from the 70s, drawn for the Basic rulebook manuscript (which appears courtesy of Billy Galaxy).

Update: I was asked about the content of the posters in this set. I took a look at my set and found:

  • AD&D Player's Handbook cover (1978) by Dave Trampier (16 x 10")
  • DM Screen cover (1979) by Dave Trampier (18 x 14")
  • Keep on the Borderlands cover (1980) by Jim Roslof (8 x 10")
  • AD&D Fiend Folio cover (1981) by Emmanuel (16 x 10")
  • World of Greyhawk box cover (1983) by Jeff Easley (8 x 10")
  • Swords of Deceit module cover (1986) by Keith Parkinson (8 x 10")
  • AD&D 2E PHB interior (PCs with slain tiny dragon)(1989) by Larry Elmore (8 x10")
  • Forge of Fury module cover (2000) by Todd Lockwood (16 x 10")
  • "Promotional painting for D&D 30th Anniversary (2004) by Todd Lockwood (16 x 10")
  • Storm King's Thunder interior painting (2016) by Chris Rahn (24 x 16")

Earlier post (from April):

The Special Edition of the D&D artbook Art & Arcana is currently selling for $69.99 on Amazon, plus when I look at the page I'm also seeing a coupon for $23.33, making the total only $46.66. If you can get it for this, it's a great deal for a set that has a list price of $125. 

The real hidden gem of the set is a reprint of the original OD&D tournament version of Tomb of Horrors, in a digest format resembling the LBBs. FWIW, the page says only 10 copies are left in stock.

Art & Arcana Special Edition

See also my earlier posts:

Locations for the Tomb of Horrors on the Great Kingdom Map

Delta's D&D Hotspot: Tomb of Ra-Hotep

Earlier Update (from April):

Amazon is no longer has the coupon available, but the book is still available new for $69.99 (follow the link above).

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