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Note: Many older posts on this blog are missing images, but can be viewed at the corresponding page in the Internet Archive


The Forgotten Smugglers' Cave: Index of Posts

An index of posts describing the Forgotten Smugglers' Cave, an adventure for Holmes Basic characters levels 2-4.                    ...

Friday, September 13, 2024

Upcoming New Tolkien Book: Collected Poems


FYI: Out on the 17th, just prior to Hobbit Day (Sep 22nd, Bilbo/Frodo's birthday), is The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien, a hefty 3-volume (!) set collecting much, but not all (!), of Tolkien's poetry:

The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien on Amazon

It has a list price of $125 and is currently available with a pre-order price of $103. According to the publisher Harper Collins, it contains "almost 200 works ... including more than 60 that have never before been seen". A full list of the poems is posted over at the Tolkien Gateway.

This collection has been edited and annotated by Christina Scull & Wayne Hammond, who have prepared so many other excellent Tolkien books that I already own, like Roverandom, Farmer Giles of Ham (50th anniversary edition)Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator, and The Lord of the Rings Reader's Companion.

I've been fascinated by Tolkien's poetry, since the '80s when I discovered in my grandparent's house an old paperback of the Tolkien Reader, which included The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, Tolkien's original compilation of verse, which was released in recent years in an expanded edition, also edited & annotated by Hammond & Scull.

I'm debating whether I will pick this up myself. I always find Scull & Hammond's notes to be fascinating, but my shelves are already groaning under the weight of other unfinished Tolkien books...

Earlier Tolkien Posts on this blog:

Green Dragon Miniature (Mythical Earth Minifig)
Gygaxian Orc Tribes (originally derived from Tolkien)

And find a list of more older Tolkien posts here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Playing at the World 2E: Price Drop


The first volume of the revised second edition has dropped to $23.33 on Amazon: 

Playing at the World, 2nd Edition, Volume 1: The Invention of D&D

This is down from a list price of $29.99 and an Amazon price of $27.85 in July just prior to release.

Read more about the book in my July post just prior to the release:

Reminder: The first volume of the revised Playing at the World is out in two days!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Holmes Basic metal sign from Ata-Boy


Image from the product page

The company Ata-Boy is offering a cool metal sign featuring the Holmes Basic Set cover art, by David Sutherland over on Amazon for $11.99, with their storefront stating that their products are officially licensed. Find it here:

Holmes Basic metal sign from Ata-Boy

The dimensions are 8.25 inches by 11.5 inches, and each corner has a small round hole to aid in hanging. The front faithfully reproduces the actually cover from a later printing of the Holmes Basic set, where the angled banner incldues the words "With Introductory Module", except that the TSR logo in the lower left corner has been replaced with a Wizards of the Coast logo. A bit of the art on each side is clipped off, but at the top there's a bit of extra art from the top side of the box. Compare the image above with a boxed set cover image from the Acaeum:

Holmes Basic set box cover, fourth print. Source: Acaeum

I ordered and received one myself and the quality is good for what it is; i.e., a thin metal sign with the artwork printed on it. The back side is unpainted golden metal (like a cookie tin) and there's a thin lip around the back side edge, so it's not completely flat. I haven't hung mine up yet, but here are photos of the front and back of it:

The Ata-Boy store also has some other items that may be of interest, including a similar metal sign with the AD&D Players Handbook cover artwork and refrigerator magnets with the Holmes Basic set cover and the Players Handbook cover.