Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Work in Progress: DIY Cards for DUNGEON!

DIY Monster Card for DUNGEON!

I learned how to play the DUNGEON! boardgame (1981) shortly after Holmes Basic, and from the same brothers. I still have my original copy from back then, a bit battered. After playing it again numerous times over the past weekend I thought it would be fun to expand the range of monsters and treasures in the game. The duplicate monsters in my set are annotated with numbers cross-referencing the extra monsters from the old Dragon articles, but with blanks cards these could be written out, as well as adding brand new ones. So tonight I started working on blank templates for the cards. See the prototype of the first above, made from a table in Microsoft Word. When printed it will be cut out, folded along the dotted line and taped or glued to yield a card of the same dimensions as the originals (2" x 1.5"). The monster image on the left is public domain art of a dragon from the 19th century (from here). The rectangle on the right is for a picture of the new monster, and the line is for its name. I'll be making another version of this card for Traps, as well as a Treasure Card and perhaps a Spell Card. Eventually I'll put these together in a single sheet pdf and make them available to all.


  1. Very cool. I love me some Dungeon.

  2. Very cool. Perhaps I can adapt those to my copy of the current WOTC version of Dungeon!

  3. I just won Dungeon! on Ebay, so this is an exciting concept for me.

  4. Maybe , Roger the GS will let you borrow some of his monster templates/ silhouettes

  5. Won the "Classic" version of this game on e-bay. The board is enormous! Love it :D


  6. Wow...this is something I'd really like to use. Thanks for making it available!

    1. I need to get back to work on it. I was having trouble finding similar style art for the treasure card.
