Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zenopus Archives: Year One

     One year ago today I made the first real post to this blog (before that there was just a placeholder). As you can see, I originally meant to post updates to the website, but I quickly found I enjoyed writing posts for the blog (the website has naturally suffered from less updating). I'm working on a few projects right now that will take up some time over the next few months, but I will continue the occasional post.

     This fall will also mark the 2nd anniversary of the local AD&D campaign that I play in. Horq the One-handed Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric (who lost his hand to the giant crayfish in T1) & company have been exploring the Temple of Elemental Evil and environs for almost two years. We meet almost every other week, and have just started exploring the second level...

Here are some of the "brainstorm" titles I came up with in April '11 when trying to pick a name for the website which shares its name with this blog:

Successively Deeper Strata: Exploring the Cellars of Zenopus
Shadow of the Gnomon
Cellars of Zenopus
Excavating in the Cellars
Built on Ruins
Brazen Head of Zenopus (later used for a blog post title)
Zenopus 77 (this is my Dragonsfoot handle)
The Zenopus Archives
Tome of Zenopus
Holmes Basic Archives


  1. Only a year? I feel like I've been enjoying your blog much longer than that. I guess that's because of your forum presence too Z. Thanks for the journey so far.

    1. Thanks, Dave! You were the one that made me realize how easy it is to make a website with Google Sites, which lead to the ZA site and then eventually the blog.

  2. I'm with ^that^ guy, I thought you'd been around forever. Good work and keep it coming.

    1. Thanks! I have been posting on forums for much longer (I joined the Acaeum forums in 2003), with a gradually increasing Holmes-focused monomania. 8)

  3. Congratulations.

    By the way, "Shadow of the Gnomon" sounds like a small-press OSR dungeon adventure. "Shadow the Gnomon, suitable for level 4-7 of any game based on the original 1974 roleplaying game."

    1. It does! I should mention that text comes straight from Room I of the Sample Dungeon - the same room having the brazen head. While no Gary in terms of archaic vocab, Holmes did teach us some good ones like "gnomon".

  4. I pretty much never comment, but I just wanted to let you know this is one of the few blogs I read regularly for reasons other than anticipation of the author's eventual meltdown.

    1. Thanks for posting, Scott. It's always good to hear words of appreciation. Of course now I'm dying to know what those other blogs are.
