Monday, December 12, 2011

Holmes for the Holidays (the winner is...)

See Update #3 below.

Anybody want this Holmes Basic Set for Christmas?

A few months ago I bought this set on Ebay solely to get an obscure TSR catalog that was included (more on TSR catalogs in the future). I don't need the rest of the set so I thought I'd give it away to a reader of this blog. 

It's fairly worn but is complete (except for dice) and usable/readable. The box is sturdy but there's one split in the top edge. When I got the set the rulebook (2nd edition, 3rd printing - no prices on the back cover) had the upper right corner of the cover torn off, and the first page was also torn. I repaired these with packing tape. The interior pages have yellowed with age, except for a few in the middle which are mysteriously still bright white. The B1 has a missing upper left corner and some gouges near the spine.  As a warning, the box had some loose lead miniatures (not included here) in it when I bought it but I wiped it clean.

If you are interested, just post a comment here. I'll randomly pick (dice roll) one commenter to receive the set. I'll cover postage (media mail) for any U.S. address. 

Update: Since there's interest - shipping to other countries/overseas is fine, too, but I just ask that you cover the difference in shipping by PayPal.

I need to give credit to Theodric the Obscure at Mythopoeic Rambling - I appropriated the title of one of his posts for this one.

Update #2:The responses to this have slowed down. 33 right now (2 comments are mine). I'm going to cap the number at 36, and roll a 1-36 according to the method in the back of the Blue Book (d6 + d12):

d6 1-2 = 0 + d12 = 1-12
d6 3-4 = 12 + d12 = 13-24
d6 5-6 = 24 + d12 = 25-36 

Update #3:

We inched up to 36 entries today, so we rolled for the winner tonight. Following a few practice rolls, I called the official roll and my assistant rolled the dice: a 6 & 11. This translates as 35, so the winner is Tigerbunny. (Tigerbunny, I'm going to send you an email through the address on your blog)

Thanks to all for participating & Merry Christmas. I have some other extras around here so I hope to give away some more stuff during the year next year. Stay tuned.


  1. I have been a tad bit ashamed for not owning B1... Count me in.

  2. I'm up, and I'll even return the favour with D&D era clones from Japan.

  3. Wow! Sure - I have a rulebook in bad shape and no B1 anymore (my favorite module) - thanks for the chance!

  4. I'd love one myself, too. Thanks for the opportunity.
    And if not me, Jeff of Jeff's Gameblog sent me, so maybe put your thumb on the scale for him.

  5. What about us poor Europeans? Can I have a chance if I send you the postage? If not, roll again. :P

  6. I could a Holmes. I have the mono B1 but, sadly, no Holmes rulebook.

  7. Sometimes the universe of chance allows a character to appear who is below average in everything. At the Dungeon Master's discretion, such a character might be declared unsuitable for dangerous adventures and left at home. Another character would then be rolled to take his place. There is enough chance in the dungeon encounters, however, that sometimes a character like this will survive and advance to a position of power and importance.

  8. I'd love a Holmes set! I started with Mentzer's Red Box so the chance to take a step backwards would be amazing!

  9. Well, I still have my dice from this set (I recall the blue book), so they could be together at last!

  10. Oh, nostalgia. I'd love to have one of these sets. Thanks for the opportunity.

  11. EXCELLENT! Please count me in :)

  12. Wow, that's 21 already! I'll need to roll a d30 or d100.

    Overseas is fine, but I'll need you to cover part of the postage by PayPal first.

  13. That's the set I started with! Add me, please :)

  14. Many will enter (including me), but only one will win! I hope I'm unwrapping this for Christmas.

  15. I would be interested in this set as well. Thanks for the contest.

  16. WOW! Very generous, please add me to the Random Table.

  17. My Holmes box long since disintegrated, but the rulebook is in OK shape. However, I never had an actual B1 (mine was the slightly-later version with Keep, but still with the chits-not-dice).

    So please, sign me up.

  18. Ah, Holmes. My first version of the game. Mine was lost to the ages, so I would love another.

  19. Please add me to the d1000 roll for a foster home for your Holmes set. :D

    And a Merry Christmas to all, especially the lucky gamer who is selected!

  20. Wow! Thank you for being so generous. I'm sure whoever wins will be very grateful... especially if it's me.

    Merry Christmas!

  21. Add my mug to the barrel! Thanks for doing this.

  22. The responses to this have slowed down. 33 right now (2 comments are mine). I'm going to cap the number at 36, and roll a 1-36 according to the method in the back of the Blue Book (d6 + d12).

  23. I'm definately interested! I got my first Holmes set for christmas when I was 9!

  24. Just that photo put me right back at Grandma's house in Florida, Christmas '78. In.

  25. Very nice. Takes me back to fourth grade..

  26. I'd like in on this. This would be a great Christmas present! Thanks for offering this, whether I get it or not!

  27. Arg, did I just miss it? Looks like it. Oh well, shoulda been quicker…

  28. I thought I'd commented on this, but I guess I didn't! If it's somehow not too late . . .

  29. Thanks for the chance to win a piece of my childhood! I will care for it lovingly - and might just sit down run my wife and my son through B1 Old Timey Style over the Christmas school break, if I can pry him away from Skyrim.
